Okay, that Diva post was not in reference to you, please don't explode with rage. Hi ^^ (this is totally cheating)
13 December 2011
04 December 2011
29 November 2007
23 November 2007
this blog shall die. And I shall be moved on to another top secret location.
last note on my lovely blog.
I don't hate bananas anymore.
Okay, i'll update every once in a decade, cuz i kinda love this blog.
But I do wanna ask a favour from everybody. Do remove me from your links. It would mean a lot to me. thank you.
16 November 2007
world's geekiest songs. :) I luv it.
Ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny by lemon demon
Old Godzilla was hopping around
Tokyo City like a big playground
when suddenly Batman burst from the shade
and hit Godzilla with a Batgrenade
Godzilla got pissed and began to attack
but didn't expect to be blocked by Shaq
who proceeded to open up a can of Shaq Fu
when Aaron Carter came out of the blue
and he started beating up Shaquille O'Neal
then they both got flattened by the Batmobile
but before it could make it back to the Batcave
Abraham Lincoln popped out of his grave
and took an AK47 out from under his hat
and blew Batman away with a rat-a-tat-tat
but he ran out of bullets and he ran away
because Optimus Prime came to save the day
this is the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny
good guys, bad guys, and explosions as far as the eye can see
and only one will survive, I wonder who it will be
this is the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny
Godzilla took a bite out of Optimus Prime
like Scruff McGruff took a bite out of crime
and then Shaq came back covered in a tire track
but Jackie Chan jumped out and landed on his back
and Batman was injured, and trying to get steady
when Abraham Lincoln came back with a machete
but suddenly something caught his leg and he tripped
Indiana Jones took him out with his whip
then he saw Godzilla sneaking up from behind
and he reached for his gun which he just couldn't find
'cause Batman stole it and he shot and he missed
and Jackie Chan deflected it with his fist
then he jumped in the air and did a summersault
while Abraham Lincoln tried to pole vault
onto Optimus Prime, but they collided in the air
then they both got hit by a Care Bear Stare, oooh
this is the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny
good guys, bad guys, and explosions as far as the eye can see
and only one will survive, I wonder who it will be
this is the Ultimate Showdown...
angels sang out in immaculate chorus
down from the heavens descended Chuck Norris
who deliver a kick which could shatter bones
into the crotch of Indiana Jones
who fell over on the ground, writhing in pain
as Batman changed back into Bruce Wayne
but Chuck saw through his clever disguise
and he crushed Batman's head in between his thighs
then Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White and
"Monty Python and the Holy Grail"'s Black Knight and
Benito Mussolini and The Blue Meanie and
Cowboy Curtis and Jambi the Genie
Robocop, the Terminator, Captain Kirk, and Darth Vader
Lo Pan, Superman, every single Power Ranger
Bill S. Preston and Theodore Logan,
Spock, The Rock, Doc Ock, and Hulk Hogan
all came out of no where lightning fast
and they kicked Chuck Norris in his cowboy ass
it was the bloodiest battle the world ever saw
with civilians looking on total awe
and the fight raged on for a century
many lives were claimed, but eventually
the champion stood, the rest saw their better:
Mr. Rogers in a bloodstained sweater
this is the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny
good guys, bad guys, and explosions as far as the eye can see
and only one will survive, I wonder who it will be
this is the Ultimate Showdown...
this is the Ultimate Showdown...
this is the Ultimate Showdown...
of Ultimate Destiny
geekiest post evar!
I shall be ded nows. because my dad took away my computer. and i shall no longer be free to blog likee now
so today, ms yanti's farewell,and crapping with charlene.pretty fun i must say.
Oh, and i watched the show made of uber cheese. And i am ded from laughing.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.so funny. nakatsu rulz. ho yeah
because he does.
The show, although it is cheesy, it is extremely funny.
and i am still dead from laughing, its hana kimi, or hanazakari no kimitachie.
i think.
I watch the jap version, and i have said this 10000 times, but its uber funny!!
Due to the recent craze of fangirling over korean/jap men,
i am following this trend nao.
Ikuta Toma aka Nakatsu Shuichi
He's my favorite character, he acts really well, and is hot. :)
No worries, I still LURVE ZUKO. :)
But this Nakatsu never fails to crack me up. KABOOM.
Of course, I still love peter petrelli.and zuko. AND ZUKO! *implode*
this post is full of fangirl and is made of fail go cry a river. :D
15 November 2007
10 November 2007
02 November 2007
29 October 2007
The apocalypse
I read Jiexin's blog. and it shows her snickering in class when the teacher said 'V'

all avatar related, O' cos
Chem lesson:
Ms Chua: Give me another group 1 metal that forms alkali in water.
Over enthusiastic much?
That's because potassium hydroxide's chemical formulae is KOH.
So, in class, I IMPLODED.
Okay, not really KABOOM.
more like, KAPOOFT.
teehee. Ty lee's high from crack.
I'm bringing sexyback says (9:32 PM):
I'm bringing sexyback says (9:33 PM):
Childish pieces of shits. says (9:33 PM):
I'm bringing sexyback says (9:34 PM):
Childish pieces of shits. says (9:34 PM):
I'm bringing sexyback says (9:34 PM):
hahahahahh. i got high.
Sokka has a drinking problem
Aang is on drugs
Katara is a teenage mom
Jet's a terrorist
Ozai is a child abuser
Azula.. let's not go there
Toph has a gambling problem
Not only that, all parents of avatarverse suck. they either die or abandon their children
some kids show huh.
23 October 2007
888 hits!

Today, school was rather, boring.
But geography lesson was quite nice.
Mdm Chan gave us a pep talk on O levels on how much more hardworking we ought to be, other than that, she also mentioned, "Are you on the list?" Referring to the retainees list.
-LAUGH- THAT'S THE SEASON 2 HEROES CATCHPHRASE. Season 1 it was "Save the cheerleader, save the world"
I grinned to myself. Like some pervert. Hah.
Anyway, today the retainees were informed and some actually cried. If I were them I would have no qualms of retaining. Seriously, then I would not have take O levels so fast. I am so not prepared.
I wished my school would have let me retained at sec 2 instead, then I wouldn't be banded to do F&N, my F9 subject.
Anyway, I watched Bleach, memories of a nobody, AND IT WAS THE MOST BORING AND MOST BADLY WRITTEN SHOW I EVER WATCHED.
The only 'nice' part was when Ichigo and this Senna girl knelt before her family grave and she thought about her family. RIGHT AT THE END.
I was so relieved this Senna girl died. She was the epitome of stupidity. and act cuteness. and OC-ishness.
I actually anticipated a tearjerker.
I realised I can't define the meaning of this word.
Today during English class we watched a movie, Les Choiristes or something.
It's kinda like comprehension, but we watched a movie to answer instead of reading a passage. It was this award-winning french film.
My friend asked me what was the meaning of 'anticipate', and I was dumbstruck.
22 October 2007
moar internet talks plx
Just kidding.
I am swearing off. (okay, not entirely) internet geek talk. Its like the new twit. Everybody is doing it. -dramatic sigh-. I guess you can never fail with good old English.
-laughs- Cheryl, I can't teach you the internet geek talk anymore, I am sorry.
I learnt the internet geek talk on DeviantArt, and various Livejournal communities. Since these are based on foreign countries, I assumed that nobody would use them here, and I adopted what I thought was a unique way of blogging.
It's not that I despise the mainstream, I just don't like being like everyone else. It is like I am the product from the carbon copy of the world.
But ownage still pwns. <- HAHA.
I went to church yesterday. It's funny how I go to church every week and I resolve to work on my -FAIL- relationship with God, but when I reach home. the resolve is.. dissolved. <- HAHA. dumb.
Well, the sermon, was about compassion. (I actually remember!) Many people don't show a lot of compassion in their daily lives.
I was on the bus with Esther on the way home from a mini-shopping trip at Queensway Shopping Centre. She claims she was in dire need for new shoes/basketball/shorts/diamonds. etc. I told her that humans need God because He complements us, like in our weakness he gives us strength, in our sadness He gives us joy. I suppose it is true. Of course we need God so much more that just this, but this is the provider side of him. There is this new book I am reading, it's not new, but I have never noticed it until a few months ago, being a movie junkie, heard of this upcoming movie called 'The Golden Compass' The critics were saying that this Philip Pullman's novel would become the next Lord of the rings trilogy. Pretty confident huh? So I hopped down to the library and borrowed the book.
The first few pages, were oddly hooking. Usually all the good books suck until you reach the climax, then it become unputdownable. But 'The Golden Compass' is engaging all the way till where I am reading right now.
The book begins with an attempted murder, then a series of events follow. The words in this book surpass my vocabulary, so I am visiting dictionary.com more often now.
I have reached the climax of this book, and what happens in it is really cold hearted cruelty. I cannot say, lest I spoil the story for you all. Some kids book, huh? I actually gasped from horror.
Okay, people may not agree with me. But when I read/watch stories, I usually feel for the characters, and immerse myself in the rich world the stories offer me.
So, that's why I really enjoy reading and watching movies and all. -smile-
OKay, but teh Golden compass rly owns, srsly. you all should read it. MOAR PLX.
PS:I cannot possibly kill a habit so fast, can I?
16 October 2007
11 October 2007
I Like to
thats a simple summary of my online activities.
I especially enjoy wikipediaing. I am a wikipaedophile!
Okay. ew.
POA, pronounced as PWA. was quite easy. :)
No A1s this time, but in comparison to yesterday's F&N paper, it was icecream.
heh heh.
F&N. Food and nutrition
FN= Firenation!
I watched another Miyazaki film.
Spirited away!
But I didn't cry.
No movie reviewish thing from me today. I am too lazy.

- Read random articles on Wikipedia. You'd learn a lot of things!
- Movie surf on Imdb
- Research on new books to read.
- bloghop
- read movie reviews
- episode hunts of Heroes.
- Browse through dictionary.com
thats a simple summary of my online activities.
I especially enjoy wikipediaing. I am a wikipaedophile!
Okay. ew.
POA, pronounced as PWA. was quite easy. :)
No A1s this time, but in comparison to yesterday's F&N paper, it was icecream.
heh heh.
F&N. Food and nutrition
FN= Firenation!
I watched another Miyazaki film.
Spirited away!
But I didn't cry.
No movie reviewish thing from me today. I am too lazy.

09 October 2007

i am gonna FAIL F&N.
I haven't even taken the paper, i know already.
give up lah
I got a higher chance of passing chinese, seriously.
math paper was killer.
i stoned at some of the qns.
oh dear.
eoys suxorez.
i just came up with the meaning for the nomeaning abbreviation " Lulz"
its actually the PLURAL form of lol.
but still
LULZ. pwn. own. is GEEK TALK.
08 October 2007
yay for exams.
Okay, not really.
but. Today's was pretty good. *goofy grin*
I mean, i usually do real badly for my SS.
Today wasn't so badly done.
But i did feel kinda miffed cuz i studied the whole textbook only to do one question.
the rest were SBQ you see.
tomorrow's paper is maths.
shall mug.
but first.
oh yesh oh yesh. Episode 2 is out.
Gah, I am so so so pathetic.
I vait each veek for one episode of avatar and heroes.

Edit: Episode 2 is NOT out. Stupid veoh.
love me people :D
06 October 2007
05 October 2007
i love esther.
mmmmm. exams suck.
chem and geog died. physics was love. but CHINESE WAS TEH AWESOME PRAWN.
I never finished my chinese paper before in my whole education career.
but this time.
I prayed like anything..
and God bended teh time
( OKays. not rly. but still.)
I finished teh paper!
I MAY not passs. buhuwaaaaat. who cares rights.

yay for momo! :D
01 October 2007
I am having Chinese paper 2. tomorrow. in approximately 10 hours, in fact.
ZOMG. AHHHHHH. my worst subject.
why why.
<- see, even Peter's afraid for me. lulz.
Edit: Where's Peter? he disappeared!! sylar took him. agh!
30 September 2007
Once, I was out with the Joshua 2 team. AND LULZ. We were at swensens, and intended to get something to eat. The waitress served us all water, and we drank to our hearts content. But then, the food there seemed unappetizing, so we walked out of swensens, of course first finishing our water, then headed down to KFC and ate like cannibals
tell me this was just plain shameless
you got no idea how embarrassing it was, we attempted to subtly escape, but the waitress serving us saw us walking out. LOL.
this was like last year.
27 September 2007

avatar season 3 rocked. LIKE WOOOOO~
lulz <- plural form of lol. IT TOTALLY PWNED.
i am not speaking coherently. so, basically this week, i didn't study, but rather, i watched avatar reruns and caught the season2 of Heroes.
and, i did badly for my chem test, my math test and my poa test. lulz. my best subs.
ands i met my huisuan who's Takumee on lifejournal
srsly feel like switching over, avatar fandom theres blooming.
we actually watched the awakening together, but the quality schmucked.
oh, and today i had exams
no comment
only, i didnt do very well.
off to study for my chems and physics, which is hardly studying because i enjoy doing it.
you're right.
i should be studying for POA and math instead, which is totally schmucking.
talked to wanzhen the bestest. yatime. she's so fun to talk to all the time.
i love you my bestie, your majesty.
she told me of the times we used to play, and i'd carry her like some romance flick. and instead of being oh so lovey she would yell in my ear, something like YIP YIP GO GO HORSEY.
what can i say. weird people click
ands, i went out with the fun peoples of J2. JOSHUA 2 '05
ate at crystal jade. and i didn't pay a cent. My gosh, i feel bad. i owe him big.
oh, and a happy and blessed wedding! Tommy and Daryl forever.
bye alveady. my math is schmucking
PS: the headband PWNED. i love avatar. I AM KATAANG NOW.
22 September 2007
some hilarious pwnage. I love avatar,
Church, was awesome. As usual. :)
I got a mortal. nyahahaha.
Alright. I am too lazy to type (another avatar ep in 4 hours btw)
Gah, here are pics of my changi airport experience of 'mugging with Lora'
At popeyes! haha. aye. this is pretty amazing. Considering my handphone screen is smashed. I think its a good golly effort pwnage of photography, don't you agree with moi?
Ironically, everybody there was studying -.- Including me!
When you do maths, this is what happens to you. You got bonkers.
"there, there my chicken on the wall. I'll just eat the mashed potato, I won't touch your aunt in the chicken pie." Haha, pretty wall. Even prettier me! HAHA jk.
Not her real name. But hilarious. HURHURHURHUR. When Brother Ruixiang saw that, He burst into laughter.
Ah, and one last joke. Silvestre said this:" Eh, go and take the fire from china and burn your whole cellgroup"
I burst into my snorting pig laughter.
oh, and lora just had to broadcast my maniac laughter to the world.
See, once, on the phone I got really high because I was on drugs <- just kidding, then Lora recorded my highness. I did this maniac laughter. Like, HEE HEE HEE HEE HEEEEEEEEEEE.
I quite like it. It makes me laugh
more like morning tho.
21 September 2007
20 September 2007

yay! watching Rome,
mugging with Lora tomorrow @ changi. I actually have no intention of welcoming the missiontrippers back. Its just. I wanna study wit da LORA. :)
oh, and um.
avatar season 3 coming out this saturday. I can catch it on 11.30am!!!!!!
yayness! I can't wait. Can't sleep, think, eat, study either.
I just fear that after my episode. I'll go into a severe state of incurable AWS. I have to wait for the episodes to come out.
i always got the videos on demand.
But since what I am doing is, 100% legal. I am basically watching TV online. the show still gets its ratings. Its like normal TV, just that its on the computer. geddit? there's no pause button or rewind.
I wanna buy avatar DVDs.
19 September 2007
update after 10000 years of hiatus.

I am ready to kill. hurhur
i know i should be studying. But i can't help myself. UGH.
my gosh. I am so loaded with work.
its so bad that i end up in this escapist state of mind which causes me to slack off and procrastinate
and thus, I am here blogging :)
Today, while in school, I had another losthandphonescare.
I was starting to get all panicky and depressed like how I usually react when I lose my things. Then, God spoke to me and told me to put my faith in Him, as something as trivial as my handphone, he can take care of it for me. So there is no need for me to be all depressed panicky and worried. He told me that I ought to cling on to His joy, and he would carry me through this.
Of course. I did NOTHING like that.
I did get all depressed. And panicky, and worried. So worried to the extent that Pastor's sermon on worry rang sharply in my head.
Although, I did pray and hand up this burden to God.
Its quite amazing actually. After i prayed, I wasn't so worried anymore. Or depressed. It felt like the problem was solved already. I was quite calm when I told my mother casually, l lost my phone. She did explode as usual. But then, she called my dad and he told her my phone's in his car.
(I think I ought to fix my pockets. there must be a huge hole in there -.-)
Haha, when I see the word burden I am reminded of Mrs Tai's madness.
Today I was all depressed and moody, I was a horrible testimony to my class. I actually started the day all happy and cheery.
Its so easy to get robbed of your joy.
anyway. this week I have 17 things to do.
Shall put it here to remind myself.
- F&N coursework
- F&N test
- POA test
- math test
- geog test
- ss test
- physics test
- chinese tuition homework
- read chinese storybook for tuition
- do 2 topics on math for tuition
- english situational writing
- english summary
- chinese 作业
- 2 birthdays
- icebreakers
- media duty
- study for EOYS (all 7 subjects)
I need a miracle.
PS: Jiexin, the fool has updated.
16 September 2007
Hillsong United - None But Jesus Lyrics
In the quiet, in the stillness
I know that You are God
In the secret of Your presence
I know there I am restored
When You call I won’t refuse
Each new day again I’ll choose
There is no one else for me
None but Jesus
Crucified to set me free
Now I live to bring Him praise
In the chaos, in confusion
I know You’re Sovereign still
In the moment of my weakness
You give me grace to do Your will
When You call I won’t delay
This my song through all my days
All my delight is in You Lord
All of my hope, all of my strength
All my delight is in You Lord Forevermore
15 September 2007
this is either 3 movies reviews or the mad ravings on my subconscious

dead bloooooooog.
I use my blog to promote songs, movies and ecetera.
So, why am I blogging here today?
I watched another miyazaki film

He didn't direct it, but he wrote it.
awesome stuffs plx.
I like!
Its not the kawaii anime or baby porn thing they do sometimes.
But I really appreciate all the tiny details they include in animation.
Which, I admit. I do not see in avatar a lot.
But when it comes to his film, wow. all the details are there.
its really eyecandy.
Imagine this.
A girl walking in the room, towards a coffee table. Behind it there's a mirror. Usually, animators don't put the mirror in the background. But for this case, the mirror is there, and the image of the girl is actually mirror image.
I really appreciate the effort.
Or how about the gorgeous scene in Howl's moving castle.
Howl's room was supposed to be this messy dusty place, gray and dull. (I read the book :))
But miyazaki, or his art director. Decided to make the room colourful interesting and vibrant.
So imagine various magical things are drawn in detail crammed into the scene.
The scene lasted about, say 10 secs? But really, even for this 10 secs, the creators actually bothered to draw such detail
Thus, I say awesomesauce.
oh ho.
So, back to normal unfangirl state.
I came back from OBS.
I still cannot believe I survived.
ah, too lazy to blog about it. Just saying I love kayaking.
oh, and um.
Before OBS, I watched 2 movies.
High school musical and Paprika.

High school musical
Alright. The plot was mediocre.
nothing much.
But I thoroughly enjoyed Ashley Tisdale's acting.
Its easy to act all sweet and lovable,*cough* vanessa *cough* but its not really easy to act the antagonist.
I enjoyed the amazing cheorography of the baseball dance. The "I don't dance" number.
They probably used 4 different cameras.
oh, and it was so bollywood.
But ( as much as he's totally gorgeous and hot and love) Zac Efron's macho dance of doom in what seemed to be the elysian fields of the golf course was extremely, um distasteful? He can do better than that.
Love corbin bleu.

now paprika.
Yes, I know its a spice. -.-
But its a super awesome movie. anime, of course
In contrast to HSM 2, the plot was really, what can I say , great?
The story flows and the plot was something new, fresh.
Of course, what really entranced me was the amazing art.
It was a myriad of colours and one piece of great animation.
Characters so beautifully drawn.
And the ending was so uncliched
okay. since nobody ever watched the good stuff. I shall tell you the plot sypnosis.
Its about this machine, invented to enter your dreams. Its a miracle in the area of psychotherapy. It can be used to fixed a person's unconscious state, therefore helping the person in any mental problem.
Alright. I can't understand what I am typing, but its every psychiatrists dream.
But one day, its stolen and misused. And the conequences are horrid. The persons like a terrorist.
i am ranting
I guess its true.
your subconscious mind rants while your online.
If you actually read from the start to here, I say you have a wonderful concentration span
And. I think I ought to review movies.
Once I get the proper terms right. Like how to describe myself properly. I might just freelance
Take me home, country roads.
Almost heaven, west virginia
Blue ridge mountains
Shenandoah river -
Life is old there
Older than the trees
Younger than the mountains
Growin like a breeze
Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West virginia, mountain momma
Take me home, country roads
All my memories gathered round her
Miners lady, stranger to blue water
Dark and dusty, painted on the sky
Misty taste of moonshine
Teardrops in my eye
Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West virginia, mountain momma
Take me home, country roads
I hear her voice
In the mornin hour she calls me
The radio reminds me of my home far away
And drivin down the road I get a feelin
That I should have been home yesterday, yesterday
Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West virginia, mountain momma
Take me home, country roads
Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West virginia, mountain momma
Take me home, country roads
Take me home, now country roads
Take me home, now country roads
25 August 2007
click here for gubby game! :)
24 August 2007

Zac Efron only seems to star in musicals. Hah!
Tracy's hairdo is so much like Rogue from xmen!
and, Scott Summers, AKA cyclops, is SINGING. omg. SINGING.
I know his real name *pout* Its james marsden.
this show is real entertaining. lots of dancing, singing and zac efron. hahaa.
and the story is quite, NICE. <- what else can I say? I don't wanna give away spoilers. Ugh.
Omg. Just watch kay. Trust my taste.
I didn't wanna watch it at first, but later as I watched it it was real entertaining and Zac Efron looks awesome.
Seems like I am repeating myself.
Half way during the show, I'll nudge my mom and tell her the name of the actor/actress! haha! I recognised almost all the actors there, as in the main ones.
/edit: Mmmmm. I wanna watch
- No reservations
- the golden compass
- the last legion
- disturbia
21 August 2007
MOOD: Elated.
Okayish, i think. Not very impressive. but will do.
English: 29/40
math : 33/40
physics: 20/25
chem: 16/25<-lousy!
POA: I forgot. But I got B3. Not very good.
Geog:18/25 <- an A2. alright. i guess.
thats all, for results. :)
I am really worried for my classmates. I don't want some of them to retain, after all we've been through, i want to graduate with the whole lot.
Sho, I shall be teaching science and english to those who have already approached me for help.
Marilyn for example.
She's real smart, does well for EVERY SUBJECT apart from english. Ugh. But if she fails her english, she will retain! like not fair pls.
/already mugging for EOY. Cheryl kinda told me to, and I guess she's right. After all! I don't wanna retain.
MMMM. I wanna watch Paprika *cheery grin*
/edit: I actually got 33.5/40 for math! That would have made me highest in class. Sadly, I am so honest and morally upright (heh heh) That I corrected my teacher's marking error! and I lost half a mark. *sob* Where's my glory.
Oh, and today we did suspense workshop for english. I came up with alot of imaginative ideas and Sinjie said I am real imaginative! :)
19 August 2007

I miss my avatar. I need it. OMG. PWNAGE PLX.
book 3 fire. UGH
i shall be going on DeviantArt, ASN and everything else avatar related hiatus from September 21 onwards. :)
Because, the avatards will be spazzing out and leaking out spoilers for everyone online. As much as I need it all to feed my AWS. I cannot ruin the show for myself.
that would be approx. 40 days of starvation.
Will do.
PS: Lovelle is love!
18 August 2007
I feel real bad.
I had to abandon cheryl in her time of need
She needed someone to go for cafeduty.
but I couldn't abandon charlene.
She waited ages for this.
i feel awful right now.
church was fun yesterday
it always is :)
for icebreaker, marcus made my job as the birthday I/C much much easier.
the only upcoming birthday is mine.
don't intend to celebrate.
On the bus, Zoe asked me this question for probably the millionth time.
Zoe: How old are you?
Me: *annoyed for answering this so many times* 25
Zoe: That's not possible! you can't b...*cut off*
Me: You know how many times I retook my PSLE?
Esther: *cracks up*
She probably asked that question because the BUSDRIVEROF961 decided to interrogate me after I paid my busfairs. UGH. i paid the usual due of 55 cents, but he didn't believe I was a student, and asked me to fish out my EZlink card. So I had to dig my massive overstuffed bag and shove the card under his nose.
Usually, I would be very happy to be considered older, *grin*
But on that bus I was v. tired. and my eyes were throbbing. SO. me was not happy.
But right now, I am happy. *grin*
17 August 2007
Howls moving castle is really super duper nice to watch thank you jiexin. :)
and Hayao Miyazaki for making such good anime.
I confess.
I fell asleep during chinese exam today :)
HAHA. and didn't finish the paper.
BUT i wanna pass so badly.
Since I am gonna fail my sciences. *sob*
Passing my chinese would make me feel tons better.
Shall abandon all hope of doing well this SA2.
On a lighter note. I have recently been patching up with my exfriends.
People make enemies easily, you see.
So, cheryl asked, How do you feel?
Me; *long pause*
I really feel nothing.
my poor friend.
I haven't been able to finish a book for a long time.
Something in me died. I think its the bookworm side of me.
I wish i drew better.
and took better photographs.
I wish missiontrip would actually mean something for me.
and that I would actually want to go.
I wish I studied harder,
and do the best I could.
16 August 2007

I think i just failed my science. =O
eh heh. I didn't study you see.
sho. tmr's the last paper.
and finally, i'll be going down to vivo to riverisland.
but the whole shops probably already raped,
so there's nothing left.
*Exaggerated sigh*
AGAIN. my poa paper, i didn't balance my accounts.
On a lighter note. I have finished watching Samurai Champloo
I can't get enough of it.
Stop geeking, start God.-esther
Geez. I am quoting her now.
but tis true.
I am guilty of the sinful pleasure of being a complete geek.
Habba the jut.<- i know its spelt wrong. but i think it sounds funny.
PS: Sing poly is like a labyrinth. And the toilets are impossible to figure out.
When I am 21, i'll sign the form the allows people to take my organs when I am dead. I just won't let them take my eyes, cuz they are full of ailments. I have
- Lazy eye.
- myopia till 1000 degrees.
- astigmatism.
If I do become blind one day. I won't be surprised.
But the thing is, I'll have to give up movies, books and photography.
So my eyes are valuable to me.
15 August 2007
Do not stand by my grave and weep
I am not there, I do not sleep
I am a thousand winds that blow
I am a diamond glint on snow
I am the sunlight on ripened grain
I am the gentle Autumn rain.
I am not there, I do not sleep
I am a thousand winds that blow
I am a diamond glint on snow
I am the sunlight on ripened grain
I am the gentle Autumn rain.
When you awake in the morning hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circling flight
I am the soft starshine at night
Do not stand by my grave and cry
I am not there......I did not die.
Of quiet birds in circling flight
I am the soft starshine at night
Do not stand by my grave and cry
I am not there......I did not die.

Today's paper was math, and geog.
both geog and math was okayish muck.
math!. finally. i can say that math was okay.
i worked so hard for this paper!
that i neglected my other subjects.
but geog was surprisingly okay.
i even had time to admire my own handwriting.
and go toilet and play with my hair.
i have to study for science and poa tomorrow.
my fav. subjects!
well. other than tests. today passed without a blogworthy incident.
'cept. i went for MWOS workshop at Singapore poly.
and, i learnt how to use simple photoshop!
oh, and I exchanged deviant art accounts with my friend.
just realised. My photography has got tons of room for improvement.
shall work on it.
right now, i have to remember physics & chem formulas.
OH. despite having to study so much i still have time to watch the ubercoolpwnage Samurai Champloo!
My drug.
14 August 2007
HEY, today was the first of the commontests.
V. V. awful.
ENGLISH. was halfway okayish muck.
but Social studies, was absolutely terrible!
I don't know how to write the formats for the SBQ questions.
anyways. I got my chem class test back, and I got 21/25!
Hip hip hooray! yay for pwnage marks.
Mugged with my fellow classmates at LongJohn @central today :)
Was okayish fun.
We did some serious studying pls!
she got a voucher at paisley and creams..
I had this tacoish wrap. while everyone else had decadent cakes and mocha.
Well, since I was at the clarke quay.
here's a awesome shot.
the streetlamps there are uber cool. And there's an art gallery there. After the
anyways. YAWN blogger is boring.
I kinda enjoy trigo now. its kinda fun :p
11 August 2007
OMG. i feel like shopping now.
WOW. this is a rare occurrence.
River Island sale! While stocks last. I think I am going tomorrow.
I can't study. Ugh!
I got my Social studies and chem and physics and geog. and maths to do. OH DEAR I HATE SCHOOL.
My currently reading list
Eragon- Christopher Paolini.
Artemis Fowl-Eoin Colfer.
The Wolves of the willoughby chase- forgot the author. :)
Aye, Lovelle might like Eragon.
I feel like going to library and study again.
But I am too lazy to budge.
So therefore, instead of studying I am watching Samurai Champloo!
Real awesome show.
Oh, and I hate going online on msn.
oh. and bye.
PS: High School Musical 2!
01 August 2007
Iroh: But where are we going to go? We're enemies of the
Zuko: (musingly) If the
Iroh: But if the Fire Nation discovers us, we'll be turned over to Azula.
31 July 2007
Through the hallways she proudly prances,
To Ricky Martin and Fallout Boy she dances,
Her room is messy, her desk is obscene,
What can I say? She’s the procrastination queen!
21 July 2007
Harry Potter 7
11 July 2007
I am not sucha big fan of bleach. But the whole show is basically dripping with gayness, and not the gayness that Lovelle refers to, but REAL gayness. Let me demonstrate.
06 July 2007
I just watched Grave of the fireflies. I actually intended to watch Pan's Labyrinth but I changed my mind.
Both stories are really similar, but I think Grave of the fireflies is one better movie. Japanese made animation, but it is not like the horrible anime art you see. Its alot more subtler, considering this film was made 20 years ago, its very.. old looking. Haha.
Its REALLY really super duper touching and sad and it made me cry. :(
05 July 2007

Ichigo and Zuko.
- They are SERIOUSLAY alike.
- They both lost their mothers at a young age
- They both are really emo (serious. don't judge Zuko from this picture)
- At the end of book2, Ichigo and Zuko had the same hairstyle.
- Both temperamental
- Both really awesome fighter
- Lastly, BOTH REALLY HAWT. <- out of point pls -.-
I walked through a wardrobe and ended up here.
Haven't blogged in decades, haven't I?
I have been really lazy lately. Not doing my homework. Being a TV addict.
Oh, and Lovelle recommended me this delicious yumyum tom yum seaweed. ITS SO DELICIOUS, i am addicted! and goes EXTREMELY well with green tea.
Bleach, is getting really boring. I guess the first few episodes are really nice, afterward the story is simply too draggy. Unlike Heroes, the show goes at a very healthy pace. Also, there are some story arcs that is really draggy and boring and blah. I simply can't stand it no more.
I guess anime is like this.
Speaking of anime, I watched 'The girl who leapt through time' with Esther last Sunday. I really recommend you watch this show, take advice from the pro movie goer aka me.

Agh. I haven't been going home early these few days. I usually reach home about 8 or so. I have Prize-giving day rehearsals and they are real tiring. Basically, it just involves you pushing the huge percussion instruments around. and playing them. yeah.