moar internet talks plx
Just kidding.
I am swearing off. (okay, not entirely) internet geek talk. Its like the new twit. Everybody is doing it. -dramatic sigh-. I guess you can never fail with good old English.
-laughs- Cheryl, I can't teach you the internet geek talk anymore, I am sorry.
I learnt the internet geek talk on DeviantArt, and various Livejournal communities. Since these are based on foreign countries, I assumed that nobody would use them here, and I adopted what I thought was a unique way of blogging.
It's not that I despise the mainstream, I just don't like being like everyone else. It is like I am the product from the carbon copy of the world.
But ownage still pwns. <- HAHA.
I went to church yesterday. It's funny how I go to church every week and I resolve to work on my -FAIL- relationship with God, but when I reach home. the resolve is.. dissolved. <- HAHA. dumb.
Well, the sermon, was about compassion. (I actually remember!) Many people don't show a lot of compassion in their daily lives.
I was on the bus with Esther on the way home from a mini-shopping trip at Queensway Shopping Centre. She claims she was in dire need for new shoes/basketball/shorts/diamonds. etc. I told her that humans need God because He complements us, like in our weakness he gives us strength, in our sadness He gives us joy. I suppose it is true. Of course we need God so much more that just this, but this is the provider side of him. There is this new book I am reading, it's not new, but I have never noticed it until a few months ago, being a movie junkie, heard of this upcoming movie called 'The Golden Compass' The critics were saying that this Philip Pullman's novel would become the next Lord of the rings trilogy. Pretty confident huh? So I hopped down to the library and borrowed the book.
The first few pages, were oddly hooking. Usually all the good books suck until you reach the climax, then it become unputdownable. But 'The Golden Compass' is engaging all the way till where I am reading right now.
The book begins with an attempted murder, then a series of events follow. The words in this book surpass my vocabulary, so I am visiting more often now.
I have reached the climax of this book, and what happens in it is really cold hearted cruelty. I cannot say, lest I spoil the story for you all. Some kids book, huh? I actually gasped from horror.
Okay, people may not agree with me. But when I read/watch stories, I usually feel for the characters, and immerse myself in the rich world the stories offer me.
So, that's why I really enjoy reading and watching movies and all. -smile-
OKay, but teh Golden compass rly owns, srsly. you all should read it. MOAR PLX.
PS:I cannot possibly kill a habit so fast, can I?