15 January 2007

today is the day you will all remember as the day.. Rachel ate a cow.

I lost my wallet. ( So ironic, read the post below, and I found a wallet, then I lost MINE.)

AND VOILA. its found.
Sad thing is my mom cancelled my EZ-link card, making me replace my card with the even uglier sec1 picture. *vomits*

Well, thank you God :)

Among all the 12 wallets and 3 handphones I lost, you gave me back the last one. And that I am grateful.

Exaggerated with the numbers. But its is true I have lost quite a number of these valuables.


I made a police report though. The Policeman looked barely 18. haha.

Watch Alexander too. ( I love you Jiexin, *sharmilee* deep down in my heart) <- kidding about that.

Alexander must be gay or something. Its weird.