27 January 2007

I am loaded with.. homework.

A flower for the lady?
hahaha. I am just being lazy.
Trying to procrastinate doing my homework.
Oh well. I should be getting started. After I am done, I would reward myself by watch Hannah Montanah/Danny Phantom. <- hah. I can watch two shows with one TV. Go figure.

Chicken in white meat.


Today, was uber uber sad.

I lost the cap of my $3 pen.

ALRIGHT. I know this is not a good reason to be uber sad. But I still am.

Felt kinda bad though, I gave Brendan alot of trouble.

I guess today's church was alright. ALRIGHT.

I learnt alot of things, honestly.

I always complained that although I go to church and all, I do not have an intimate love relationship with God, Now all i have to do is do my QT properly. Which I just did, call Alicia on time :)

This week was a rather bad week. I didn't do my QT every single day, and I didn't do my experiencing God. I only did 2 days of Experiencing God. ( In case you don't know, that's a book I am doing, not some weird christian thingy.)

So that's why there's no 'intimacy' in the relationship. You don't bother spending time to converse with God then you expect to be so uber close to him. Tsk.

Anyways. I also learnt that God knows that being holy in this unholy world ( some uber quote that Christians always use.) is difficult, and suddenly, like epiphany, I suddenly realised something about myself. I realised that I was trying with my own strength to be holy, and I am failing miserably. Its high time I realised that God is here to help me with it! I felt that God understood how it was like. I do not know how to describe it,but then, I felt like a burden has been lifted off my back. I felt at peace, and I felt pleasant, something i have not felt in a while.

Whoa; I just realised all that ^

hoho anyways.
after church my parents came to fetch me home by their car. And Brendan said, "Hey, you have a brother?" Then I gave him a shocked look, and glanced frantically to the backseat of the car, looking for some long-lost brother. Turns out it was my GRANDMA. hahahahah.

ahh, that's all folks.
