this is either 3 movies reviews or the mad ravings on my subconscious

dead bloooooooog.
I use my blog to promote songs, movies and ecetera.
So, why am I blogging here today?
I watched another miyazaki film

He didn't direct it, but he wrote it.
awesome stuffs plx.
I like!
Its not the kawaii anime or baby porn thing they do sometimes.
But I really appreciate all the tiny details they include in animation.
Which, I admit. I do not see in avatar a lot.
But when it comes to his film, wow. all the details are there.
its really eyecandy.
Imagine this.
A girl walking in the room, towards a coffee table. Behind it there's a mirror. Usually, animators don't put the mirror in the background. But for this case, the mirror is there, and the image of the girl is actually mirror image.
I really appreciate the effort.
Or how about the gorgeous scene in Howl's moving castle.
Howl's room was supposed to be this messy dusty place, gray and dull. (I read the book :))
But miyazaki, or his art director. Decided to make the room colourful interesting and vibrant.
So imagine various magical things are drawn in detail crammed into the scene.
The scene lasted about, say 10 secs? But really, even for this 10 secs, the creators actually bothered to draw such detail
Thus, I say awesomesauce.
oh ho.
So, back to normal unfangirl state.
I came back from OBS.
I still cannot believe I survived.
ah, too lazy to blog about it. Just saying I love kayaking.
oh, and um.
Before OBS, I watched 2 movies.
High school musical and Paprika.

High school musical
Alright. The plot was mediocre.
nothing much.
But I thoroughly enjoyed Ashley Tisdale's acting.
Its easy to act all sweet and lovable,*cough* vanessa *cough* but its not really easy to act the antagonist.
I enjoyed the amazing cheorography of the baseball dance. The "I don't dance" number.
They probably used 4 different cameras.
oh, and it was so bollywood.
But ( as much as he's totally gorgeous and hot and love) Zac Efron's macho dance of doom in what seemed to be the elysian fields of the golf course was extremely, um distasteful? He can do better than that.
Love corbin bleu.

now paprika.
Yes, I know its a spice. -.-
But its a super awesome movie. anime, of course
In contrast to HSM 2, the plot was really, what can I say , great?
The story flows and the plot was something new, fresh.
Of course, what really entranced me was the amazing art.
It was a myriad of colours and one piece of great animation.
Characters so beautifully drawn.
And the ending was so uncliched
okay. since nobody ever watched the good stuff. I shall tell you the plot sypnosis.
Its about this machine, invented to enter your dreams. Its a miracle in the area of psychotherapy. It can be used to fixed a person's unconscious state, therefore helping the person in any mental problem.
Alright. I can't understand what I am typing, but its every psychiatrists dream.
But one day, its stolen and misused. And the conequences are horrid. The persons like a terrorist.
i am ranting
I guess its true.
your subconscious mind rants while your online.
If you actually read from the start to here, I say you have a wonderful concentration span
And. I think I ought to review movies.
Once I get the proper terms right. Like how to describe myself properly. I might just freelance