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Today, school was rather, boring.
But geography lesson was quite nice.
Mdm Chan gave us a pep talk on O levels on how much more hardworking we ought to be, other than that, she also mentioned, "Are you on the list?" Referring to the retainees list.
-LAUGH- THAT'S THE SEASON 2 HEROES CATCHPHRASE. Season 1 it was "Save the cheerleader, save the world"
I grinned to myself. Like some pervert. Hah.
Anyway, today the retainees were informed and some actually cried. If I were them I would have no qualms of retaining. Seriously, then I would not have take O levels so fast. I am so not prepared.
I wished my school would have let me retained at sec 2 instead, then I wouldn't be banded to do F&N, my F9 subject.
Anyway, I watched Bleach, memories of a nobody, AND IT WAS THE MOST BORING AND MOST BADLY WRITTEN SHOW I EVER WATCHED.
The only 'nice' part was when Ichigo and this Senna girl knelt before her family grave and she thought about her family. RIGHT AT THE END.
I was so relieved this Senna girl died. She was the epitome of stupidity. and act cuteness. and OC-ishness.
I actually anticipated a tearjerker.
I realised I can't define the meaning of this word.
Today during English class we watched a movie, Les Choiristes or something.
It's kinda like comprehension, but we watched a movie to answer instead of reading a passage. It was this award-winning french film.
My friend asked me what was the meaning of 'anticipate', and I was dumbstruck.
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