07 April 2007

Sunday morning blues

Sunday's a great day. Too bad I'll have to spend it doing homework.

Every week, I do my homework on Sundays. ( And I never finish it )

So, to procrastinate starting on my homework. Let moi blog.

uh. Yesterday. Yeah.
Saturday Service. Although Good Friday was not even mentioned, I think that the Youth Alive band was here to celebrate Good Friday with us. The worship was real great. The songs were not familiar, but I thought its better to give God all or nothing. So, I tried my best.

Oh yeah, the soccer cheer praise was.. interesting. Something new.

Band was this last minute rehearsal. I am still not good. And tomorrow's SYF. And I am not scared. Cuz I can ask God and he'll help me of my awful playing.

And I missed the drumming workshop cuz of band. And Jiexin was not at all happy.

I rather go for the workshop then band. Honestly.

I learnt quite alot from the sermon yesterday. I understood its not at all easy to come up with a sermon, and in order to do so, you have to be real annointed. So, I took Pastor Paul's words like they were from God. And man, they were very applicable to my life.

Pyromania. ( obsession over fire.)

Pyro, btw is an Xmen character. He's one of the bad guys.

pyrophobia is the fear of fire. ( duh.)

So there.
