avatar season 3 rocked. LIKE WOOOOO~
lulz <- plural form of lol. IT TOTALLY PWNED.
i am not speaking coherently. so, basically this week, i didn't study, but rather, i watched avatar reruns and caught the season2 of Heroes.
and, i did badly for my chem test, my math test and my poa test. lulz. my best subs.
ands i met my huisuan who's Takumee on lifejournal
srsly feel like switching over, avatar fandom theres blooming.
we actually watched the awakening together, but the quality schmucked.
oh, and today i had exams
no comment
only, i didnt do very well.
off to study for my chems and physics, which is hardly studying because i enjoy doing it.
you're right.
i should be studying for POA and math instead, which is totally schmucking.
talked to wanzhen the bestest. yatime. she's so fun to talk to all the time.
i love you my bestie, your majesty.
she told me of the times we used to play, and i'd carry her like some romance flick. and instead of being oh so lovey she would yell in my ear, something like YIP YIP GO GO HORSEY.
what can i say. weird people click
ands, i went out with the fun peoples of J2. JOSHUA 2 '05
ate at crystal jade. and i didn't pay a cent. My gosh, i feel bad. i owe him big.
oh, and a happy and blessed wedding! Tommy and Daryl forever.
bye alveady. my math is schmucking
PS: the headband PWNED. i love avatar. I AM KATAANG NOW.