oh man
I learnt something.
My friend said, " Books are a single girl's best companion"
I shall smack his head. I am not reading cuz I am single. If i were married, I'll probably still read. Cuz I love to read! Anyways, relationships now leads to break ups. and messy feelings and people start to be EMO and cut themselves. etc.
like, whatever.
oh, and, yesterday, I saw on TV. This goal keeper. He wanted to grab the football, but he grabbed the head of the Striker instead. HAHAHAHAHA. and the ball went into the goal. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME.. or is my soccer chatter so stupid to the extent you cannot understand me.
i have found THE ULTIMATE. and the most hunted comic book ever. ( ok, maybe not, but its precious to me )
presenting the one and only, Brian Michael Bendis's House of M.

thats the biggest news. I combed the ENITRE comics section of Bukit Merah Library to find it. I think there's only 2 copies in the NLB. xD xD.
its a matter of using your brain actually. I checked the code of the comic before I did my search. But the comics are not arranged alphabetically, or in any order known to mankind, so I just checked the code of ALL the books under 741.5973 -[ART] looking for the code of my book. Not much, Only four book shelves and 2 movable trolleys.
and I found another Sandman book. Just, my library Quota has reached its max. -.-.My mom confiscated my two other cards.
Current reads:
- The Black Dahlia, by James Ellroy.
- My sister's keeper, Jodi Picoult.
- The A list: Back in Black, Zoey Dean
- The prestige, Christopher Priest.
- Powers: Who killed Retro girl?
- The Laughing Corpse, Laurell K Hamilton.
shall type like I am Gambit from now onwards. :)
anyways. Adieu Amigo! ( yes, its spelled this way, not Adios, at least i think so, but V spelt it this way)