As usual, the fifth harry potter book is about 10 000 pages. So the movie would be all of the 10000 in a nutshell. So, those who never read the book would never be able to follow.
Let me help you. I am an ex-harry potter obsessive fan.
Harry's really emo in this fifth movie. Yes, he's shmexy. But that's a different thing. Let me tell you why he's emo.
- His friend died in front of him the year before.
- Everybody thinks he's crazy.
- His parents are dead.
- His godfather is an escaped convict on the run.
- He's got no girlfriend.
- He's favourite subject in school is taught by a v. lousy teacher. (this is devastating for every 15 year old.)
- The teacher made him cut his own hand. <-SADIST.
- He has to learn to READ MINDS. Oh please. Hello. Like that's easy..
- He's got no girlfriend.
- A perv codenamed Voldy *cough* is prying his dreams every night. <- thats SICK.
- He sees talking paintings.
- ...
The emoness will never end. Gets even worst by book 6.
Enjoy your movie.