27 December 2006

Church; Buddhistified

I lol.
I cannot believe what I just read.
I read Sylvestre's blog.
He said he went to the SOKU organisation whatsit.
Its the evil clone of churches.
Church; Buddhistified.

yeah yeah.


Just guess.
come on.

Miss Yap.

I shall lol, rofl, and lmho. (anybody who can translate this is genius.)


Let me breath.


I know us Christians are supposed to be enraged by them copying our traditions. Cuz, believe it or not, Cellgroups existed a loooooong time ago. I mean, it wasn't called cellgroups. But the first churches DEFINITELY had small groups of people to fellowship and encourage each other. And they copied that! the, SOKU. yes, them.

Okay, so they copied our:
and the way we worship God, they worship Buddha. Basically the way we P&W is just like celebrating. Yeah, they do that.
And our songs. Buddha is our bestfriend, one way buddha. something like that
I think the Miss Yap is a pure coincidence. Or maybe not. ( But it sure is funny )
And they call their monks Pastors. <- COME ON. that's hilarious.

The thing is. Although I am supposed to be uber pissed and angry and irritated etc etc. I find it hilarious! they copied us!

The other time, Qianyi told me that some monks were prayerwalking and evangelising. I cracked up like some mad crazy person. and she looked irritated/pissed. BUT I LAUGHED.

Made her more irritated. HA.

Although the matter is rather serious. Souls dying, whatsit. The idea of it all seems like a .. joke to me. Its not that I dont see the serious-ity of the sitution.

I mean come on! No one can duplicate the presence of God (As said by Esther) God is God. Period.

But i must get serious. Starve myself or something. Apparently SOKU is getting rather sucessful. The things of God are so good that even the duplicates are sucessful. See?


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